
Monday, December 16, 2019

Ready To Read, Dr. Preston

     The learner I was when I entered your class was a visual leaner, I always believed it was easier to watch someone do something and then do it myself. When I first walked into your class, on August 12, my first instinct was to find a seat to sit at then it was to look at the teacher and then to find a familiar face. Lucky for me I found one. I was very nervous, as one always is when they meet new people, I immediately started to wonder what kind of teacher you were, what way you were going to teach and, most importantly, how you would teach it. 
      I found it very odd and intriguing when you asked us, the students, what way we wanted to learn. I immediately knew you were a different teacher and then this wild thought came into my head, "What if we don't let him back into the class? " and for a while I wondered what you would've done. I knew that you were the kind of teacher that would want to know what we were thinking and the kind of teacher that would help us get to where we wanted to be. That's the teacher I met my first day in your class.
      I instantly loved writing in my journal but posting on my blog, doing blog posts, was something new to me. I didn't do much of the blog posts in the beginning. Although, I enjoyed reading On Self-Reliance and the way the words were nicely used. The way the words made me stop and think about them for a moment. Also, The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury was powerful and when I read it, it meant so many different things to me. It shows how the world may be someday or probably already is. It was scary at the end when I realized there wasn't anybody driving and when I really started to think of it and all the meanings behind the story, it was overwhelming but I loved it. The poem Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington was truly a beautiful poem, it gave me a different perspective on how to look at other people's situations. To step in their shoes and just think from their side of the story.
     When I felt the most tense would have to be when I wasn't sure where to start from my blog posts. I had a lot that I should've done and it was frustrating to not know but eventually one day I posted one and I realized it wasn't so hard and from then on I tried doing recent blog posts. I learned not to do things at the last minute and if I don't understand something, I should speak up because it would help me a lot and it can also help others.
     I don't have a routine, I don't do routines. I believe that if I plan things beforehand, things don't always turn out that way and so I just try and do things in the moment, that way I dont expect anything and I don't get disappointed. My thought process has always been to write what I feel, write the way I want to and use the words I want to. 
     I like to believe that I grew as a learner and I am definitely more open to other people's perspectives and opinions. Something that always makes me smile are the journal questions, I always wonder how you come up with them or what did you see, read,hear that made you think about the question. Also I enjoy when you put music on during the time we're writing in our journals. I know that Ive grown in parts of me because of your class and for that I will always be grateful. 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Richard Cory


I have to say reading Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss was immensely difficult. What made it difficult was that the words would start with the same letter but be a whole different word with a different meaning. At times, yes, it was easy but most of the time it almost made my head explode. You would think it would of got easier l as you read more and more of it and it wasn't. I was not disappointed at all, in fact I actually enjoyed reading something that made my mouth slip up. What astounds me is the pronunciation of the author's name. I look forward to many more readings like this one.


My parents and I did not attend back to school night because I chose not to tell my parents. I chose not to tell them because they both had came out late of work that day and I didn't think they would want to go. People who support my academic success would definitely have to be my parents. Although they don't attend school related things, they've always helped enhance my education, whether it's helping me with homework or going to the store to get supplies that we might need for school. I will forever be grateful.


First of all, in order for you to get along with someone online you have to be respectful. Respectful as in, allowing them to express their ideas on certain topics whether you agree with then or not. Also, once in a while it's a good idea to encourage them on whatever it may be. People love hearing, well in this case reading, kind words about themselves. Be welcoming, accepting and open. Be patient, people might not know how to put their thoughts into words. Lastly, let people be their themselves without judgement.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

On Self-Reliance Part 3

" Being good instead of looking good " essentially means that being good should be more important to you than how you appear to other people when you are doing good. As we grow up, we're more likely to question people as a result to all of the bad people we see or hear about. If we know that we are good people then we don't have to waste our time convincing other people that we are good. If you act like something you're not then you loose power in who you truly are. When people react to something you did, they're not reacting to you, they're reacting to what they have going on. When we get upset it is better to explain or to express ourselves, in healthy/non-violent ways, than throwing a tantrum. What keeps me interested is how the paragraphs explain how we should try something new or either to be who we really are and not some phony. What makes me want to let my head slam right onto my keyboard is how it was written a long time ago, thus the wording is different from wording today but I understand and so I will suck it up and keep on listening.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

On Self-Reliance Part 2

If we don't honor who we are and what we think, how will anybody else? When you do good work you feel happy but then you realize all the things you could've done better, suddenly you're not so happy anymore. We can do more than what other people want us or expect us to do. It is completely natural to press boundaries. People fear judgement, they fear rejection. So what if people don't like what you do or what you wear? We're all literally going to die in the end and i bet no one, not a single person, will remember what you said or what you wore one day. You'll wonder what could've been if you had just acted like yourself and weren't busy worrying about pleasing others. Everything is up to you, give yourself time. Don't invest your time in making people understand who you are and why you do the things you do. " Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself during those times, you should always be your biggest fan."

Monday, November 4, 2019

First Impression of On Self-Reliance

What really fascinates me is that most writers from a long time ago only tend to use male pronouns, but that's beside the point. If I may, " Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his.." that quote alone says so much about how our society is today. It's like some people are afraid to be wrong and don't get me wrong, I understand what that is like. People would rather be correct quietly than be wrong loudly. To be able to speak what you believe is true is important and that is what I learned from the essays.

The Road Not Taken

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


My name is Michelle Jacqueline Cervantes, hence the mj, in my blog I will be writing about my perspectives and opinions on certain topics.